Exterior of Boyes store

Inspiring in stores

Energising rebrand

Read more about how we completed a successful rebranding strategy for discount department store chain Boyes giving them a new brand identity and an optimised in-store shopping experience with new point of sale and signage.

Key results

  • New, modern brand identity
  • Uplift in positive brand association
  • Better in-store experience thanks to new POS, zoning & clearer signage

Project outline

One of the keys to the development of Boyes over the years has been the ability of the brand to meet the ever-changing needs of their broad customer base.

The core brand values of quality, good value, service and trust have consistently remained the cornerstones of the Boyes proposition since 1881.

In order to truly reflect the company’s long heritage, the revised brand identity would need to look fresh, without alienating the company’s loyal customers and encourage new shoppers to take a look at their massive range at bargain prices.

As part of the new brand identity, Boyes tasked us with revising and improving their in-store customer experience throughout their store portfolio.

Boyes fascia plan


Developing a brand identity involves more than just making a logo design. We researched the company’s values and spoke to the company’s management team to collect inspiration from which to draw ideas. Concept ideas were then developed before creating a visual identity that represents the brand, which consists of not just their logo, but also a complementary colour scheme and typography that provide consistency across the entire brand image.

As part of the rebranding exercise, we created several ways to improve the company’s in-store customer experience by redesigning in-store point of sale and signage starting with an existing store in Beverley, East Yorkshire as well as a brand new store in Barton, Lincolnshire.

The new interior colour scheme and signage solution includes:

  • Zoning the store to make it easier to navigate
  • New directional signage enabling customers to quickly find what they are looking for
  • Exterior fascia signs putting the new brand identity into action

Working alongside the Boyes team we set about implementing our proposed changes to measure the impact on the customer experience, sales and profitability. Stores experienced significant improvements in staff productivity, store utilisation and overall performance. The new Boyes brand identity and store optimisation programme will be key to Boyes success in the years to come.

Boyes interior
Boyes interior seasonal department
Boyes interior craft department

We recognise the importance of constantly innovating and adapting to new ways of doing business. It’s for these reasons we choose to work with Design Workshop who are our trusted agency partner.


About Boyes

Boyes is a chain of department stores in the UK. William Boyes founded the firm in 1881 and it has been run by generations of the Boyes family ever since. With more than 60 stores in the North and East of England and the Midlands, their stores specialise in the discount retail sector, stocking clothing, footwear, DIY and electrical goods, housewares, homewares, craft and hobby goods and seasonal products.

Marketing activity in this campaign

  • Brand identity development
  • Store improvement planning
  • In-store optimisation
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